BALTICA 2013, wildlife survey in W Estonia, 27th-29th of March 2013
In “President’s corner” of EUROPARC
Nordic –Baltic Newsletter No.1:2013, Mrs. Kaja Lotman announced that in Matsalu
National Park Reserve a golden jackal has been bagging.
The Estonian Television ERR,
presented the news on 13th of March 2013: “Feral Animal Killed by
Hunters Identified as Jackal” after Estonian Environment Information Center's
expert Mr. Peep Männil analyzed the specimen in Tartu.
EUROPARC Federation represents and
unites over than 440 protected areas and organizations from the 8 Nordic and
Baltic countries. In 2012-2014, the presidency and secretariat of the
Nordic-Baltic Section are hosted by the Estonian Environmental Board.
Winter was nice in Matsalu
National Park - snow and cold persisted for several months. Spring is now
knocking on the door. However a couple of geese has been seen, tits and
nuthatches are singing, woodpeckers are drumming and owls are hooting. Most
surprising event has been bagging of a golden jackal (Canis aureus) by local
hunters - we are far away from the known range of the species! Efforts are made
to find out if it has been released by humans (and by whom) or if indeed the
species has started to spread at an unusual speed in Europe, Mrs Kaja concluded.
Since 2003, Matsalu National
Park, as the only park in the Baltic countries, holds a European Diploma for
Protected Areas of the Council of Europe The diploma is awarded protected areas
with outstanding scientific, cultural or aesthetic qualities.The areas must also
be subject to a suitable conservation scheme, often in combination with a
sustainable development programme.
Matsalu National Park (
area is about 48 610 hectare and it
embraces Matsalu bay, around the delta also partly Väinameri, Kasari river
lower course, wetlands of the bay and river, flooded Kasari river meadow,
coastal grazing areas, wooded meadows and about 50 islets. The average depth of
Matsalu bay is only 1,5 metres. Almost 6500 hectares of semi-natural landscapes
are maintained by local people and 5368 ha is traditional farmlands.
Altogether Matsalu has registered
ca. 280 bird, 49 fish, 47 mammal and 772 vascular plant species. The eastern
Atlantic migration route runs along the western Estonian coast, which means
that millions of migratory birds follow this route on their way from western
Europe to breed in Arctic regions. Many of these birds stop on our coast for
quite some time.
During the spring time over two
million of water fowls migrate through Matsalu, this includes 10 000-20 000
small swans, 10 000 Scaup Ducks and Whistlers, numerous Tufted Ducks and
Goosanders. On the coastal pasture lands up to 20 000 Barnacle Geese, over 10
000 Geese and thousands of Waders come for resting. Numerous migrating birds
are Long-Tailed Ducks (up to 1,6 million), most of them stay in Väinameri.
During the autumn almost 300 000 water fowls migrate Matsalu area. The wetland
is well-known as one of the biggest resting sites in Europe for Cranes, up to
21 000 specimen.
On this beautiful landscape, an
area of more than 3000 ha reed-bed covers the western part of the Kasari River
delta and eastern part of Matsalu Bay. Coastal grasslands are
widespread, boreonemoral grasslands, alvars, juniper scrubs are found in higher
areas. Fields and grazing lands surround small hamlets. Mixed oak forest,
sparse minerotrophic mobile water swamp forests, and march birch forests
include patches of wooded meadows. Broad-leaved forest grows at the foot of
Salevere Salumägi (Leito et al, 2008).
In this Landscape only two spots
are higher: Kirbla Hill (33m) and Salevere Salumägi (23m).
Jackals in West Estonia
By Ovidiu C. Banea
Environmental Ecologist MSc, Ecology Department of Crispus
NGO Sibiu, Romania
Autumn 2011, a lady from Salevere
region assured that she heard a group of animals screaming very rare and she
didn’t know what kind of noises were. Now, after she heard jackals on our
broadcast devices she found that the noise she heard two years ago are the
same. Different people also reported
other sightings as canid cubs being found in a boat near the bay or last of
them, like three medium-sized animals were seen on the road.
Winter 2011-2012, Liisi Laos,
wildlife researcher in Peep Männil team, during herbivorous game species snow
track survey, identified parallel snow tracks of more than 4 individuals in the
area of Salevere, which cannot be related to jackal correlatives as foxes or
wolves. As is well known jackal group tracks are not in the line as for wolves
and also the size of the group it couldn´t be related as being fox group.
Liisi Laos and Peep Männil
February 2013, a jackal seems
that it was bagging by two hunting dogs. Soon the hunter announced the
authorities of Matsalu National Park Reserve and specimen was send to Tartu to
be analyzed.
th of March 2013, a
message from PhD Magda Sindičić DVM, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine University
of Zagreb was resend after 6 minutes to me and Miha Krofel by MSc Environmental
Ecologist Ivana SELANEC, our colleague from Golden Jackal Informal Study Group
in Europe in Croatia (
27th-29th of March, BALTICA 2013
After several discussions with
Peep Männil and Alex Lotman, we decided to perform a survey in the area of Kasari
River, Matsalu NP Reserve and south terrestrial part of the bay, based on
bioacustic stimulation and also to analyze the carcass of the harvested
specimen. We set 19 calling stations covering about 20km from the sea coast and
we performed snow track survey after analyses of the landscape and topographic
Matsalu National Park Reserve, old map
An important ecological
network analysis related to species suitable to interaction with jackal species
in this wonderful protected area was conducted together with Mrs Kaja Lotman on
the field during 28
th of March and also during the night, when
second half of points were installed. Interesting phenomena was discussed most
on Cormorants and also Racoon dogs, both species being affected by human
activities, particularly hunting. Red foxes, small game ungulates and bird communities also could have direct interactions with jackals.
Racoon dog (Nyctereus procyonoides) distribution map and year map when first reported
Raccoon dogs were found all over
Estonia in the 1950s (Lavrov, 1971). Their numbers remained low however,
because of numerous wolves Canis lupus
and lynx Lynx lynx, the natural enemies of raccoon dogs. An important factor
behind the raccoon dog’s success is the very high plasticity of the species.
They are true omnivores and eat anything they can catch (Sutor et al., 2010).
In Białowieża Forest, the index of food niche breadth for raccoon dogs was
6.25, nearly twice as high as in the next species with the widest niche – the
red fox (3.77; Jędrzejewska and Jędrzejewski, 1998). Frogs, lizards,
invertebrates and birds are also frequently consumed (e.g., Barbu, 1972;
Jędrzejewska and Jędrzejewski, 1998; Sutor et al., 2010). Raccoon dogs eat
berries and fruit, especially in late summer and autumn because they serve as
an important food source when raccoon dogs fatten themselves before entering
winter dormancy (e.g., Nasimovič and Isakov, 1985; Kauhala et al., 1993a; Kauhala, 2009; Sutor et al.,
The successful expansion of
raccoon dogs in Europe was also possible due to the secretiveness of the
species and low persecution at the beginning of invasion. Raccoon dogs are
nocturnal animals, utilizing mainly wet habitats covered with dense vegetation
and showing inactivity in winter.
A predator removal study in
Finland indicated, however, that raccoon dog removal might have had some effect
on the breeding success of ducks (Väänänen
et al., 2007), but the change was not significant. Furthermore, chick
production of, for example, mallards Anas
platyrhynchos and coots Fulica atra,
increased at first but then declined after the second year of raccoon dog
removal. This happened simultaneously with the decline in the raccoon dog
index. These results resemble those of the predator removal study described
above and probably relate to the interactions between different predators. On
the other hand, when different areas were compared there was a negative
relationship between the breeding success of mallards and raccoon dog abundance
index, so more research is needed on this topic in order to understand these
contradictory outcomes.
Competition of Racoon dog with
native carnivores
According to Sidorovich et al.
(2000) raccoon dogs compete with native carnivores for carcasses in Belarus in
late winter. This competition can be so severe that the increasing raccoon dog
population appears to have caused a decline in native carnivore populations,
including the red fox, brown bear Ursus
arctos and pine marten. The polecat Mustela
putorius has probably suffered most from competition with raccoon dogs
(Sidorovich et al., 2000). This information is, however, based only on
correlative data and firm evidence is lacking. However, in Białowieża Forest,
the rate of food niche overlap was very high (59%) among raccoon dogs and
polecats in spring and autumn (Jędrzejewska and Jędrzejewski, 1998). The
polecat population has also decreased in Finland during recent decades. The
probable reasons for this include habitat changes and competition with other
carnivores (Liukko et al., 2010).
In northern Europe, the red fox
and the badger might compete directly or indirectly with raccoon dogs for food,
habitats or den sites. Correlative data from Finland showed that when raccoon
dogs were heavily hunted and their population decreased, the fox population
started to increase (Kauhala, 2004). This may be a coincidence, but it can also
indicate that raccoon dogs and red foxes compete for some resources in Finland.
In southern Finland, there was some overlap in the diet of raccoon dogs,
badgers and foxes but differences also existed: the badger consumed more
invertebrates and the fox more mammals and birds than the raccoon dog (Kauhala
et al., 1998a). Furthermore, female foxes in Finland have become more
carnivorous after the arrival of the raccoon dog, as revealed by a study on
dental morphology (Viranta and Kauhala, 2011). This case of character
displacement points to the conclusion that foxes and raccoon dogs have competed
for food resources in Finland.

Red Fox Vulpes vulpes, near Tallinn
The success of the raccoon dog
invasion in Europe was enabled thanks to an exceptional combination of factors
including: widely distributed and multiple introductions, great migratory
ability and the high reproductive capacity of the species, plasticity of food
habits, hibernation in areas where climate is harsh and its general
adaptability to different climatic and environmental conditions, and the
admixture of individuals from divergent matrix lineages (e.g., Lavrov, 1971; Helle
and Kauhala, 1995; Kauhala 1996a, 1996b; Kauhala et al., 2007, Kowalczyk et al.
2008, 2009; Pitra et al., 2010; Sutor et al., 2010). Few projects have been
conducted in Europe on the ecology of the species, so little is still known on
the impact of raccoon dogs on native fauna. It seems that in many areas raccoon
dogs fit very well into the local communities and successfully coexist with
native medium-sized carnivores. Locally, the raccoon dog may be an important
threat to populations of waterfowl and amphibians. In protected areas,
intensive and long-term control should be conducted to preserve local fauna. The
raccoon dog is a very important vector of rabies, sarcoptic mange,
trichinellosis and Echinococcus
multilocularis. This is no doubt the most severe consequence of the
colonization of this alien species in Europe. Since it is continuing its expansion
as well as increasing in numbers in some areas where the population has been established,
control measures against rabies must be reviewed.
Ecology of the golden jackal
Matsalu National Park Reserve, Penijoe
Penijoe, snowtrack survey
Few studies were done in
different countries from Europe on jackal distribution and densities in specific
areas. Diet composition studies were performed recently in Greece, Serbia,
Turkey and Israel (Giann atos et al. 2005, Cirovic 2011, pers. comm.). Overlapping
of the jackal trophic niche and foxes was also studied in Hungary (Lansk i and
Heltai 2002, Lansk i et al. 2006). In Pench Tiger Reserve, Madhya Pradesh,
India, has been studied the temporal activity patterns of the Golden Jackal Canis aureus and the Jungle Cat Felis chatus (Majmuder et al. 2011). In
a stomach content of a Canis aureus
young female, shot in August 2011 in Alba County, we found more than 98% of
corn Zea mays. In Bulgaria, stomach content
analysis identified Ulmus and Querqus sp leaves, Gramineae, fruits of Smilax
excelsa, (Atanasov 1953). Another analysis of stomach contents of 10
jackals showed: 2 stomachs full of grapes, one with pig ears probably from a
beat waste, 2 were full of plums, 2 had remains of sheep, but not being able to
be recognized and 3 had feathers and bones of poultry (Genov, Wass ilev 1989).
These facts motivate to study jackal diet for different seasons and in
different habitat types.
Interspecific relations and food
habits studies have to be continued with the aim to define the jackal
importance in their specific ecological systems, as spreading and reproduction
of plants, control of increased rodents’ populations, role of scavenger, etc.
and do not overestimate their predation habit on livestock and small game species.
It is assumed that where all
vegetation layers are present, as for example at the edge of a woodland, or in
open-woodland habitat, species diversity will be high, (Gilb ertson et al. 1985),
with increased mesopredators occurrence along habitat edges and small forest
fragments (Cervinka et al. 2011). Thus the cumulative predation pressure on
prey species (e.g. reptiles, birds, small mammals) should be monitored and/or
controlled to maintain high biodiversity in these types of habitat where also
many of carnivore species are present.
Landscape ecology has to be part
of future studies of golden jackal expansion to focus on the relations between
anthropic effects of the land use, presence of settlements and lakes or lowland
streams. Intensive and extensive agriculture could also modify the number of
individuals differently (e.g. by using of pesticides and reducing rodents’
populations - one of the most important diet components for jackals). The other
effect on biology diversity and jackal movements can be monitored through the
modern techniques as continuous video and photo trapping, stomach content
analysis or telemetry. It is necessary for maintaining this species, for its
stabilization, but mainly for landscape management that would be friendly to this
species and other wildlife.
For the European jackals
population is characteristic a dynamic change of its number in pulsations with
rapid decreases and increases. This was observed despite the low economy of
hunting land and livestock activities, that kept up to date food sources, and
despite the small number of jackals in the neighboring countries (Spassov
2007). We think that abandoned of agriculture use terrains could explain these
observations by increased number of species in pastures or free of pesticide
terrains, as i.e. rodents. For jackal dispersal into Central Europe, according to
Giannatos (2011 in verbis), positive factors could be: plains and low altitude
as no barriers, daytime refuge (lowland plantations, few small forest remnants,
riverside or channel-side dense vegetation), Danube River catchment, probably
less snowy winters, large food base from anthropogenic sources (agriculture,
livestock, hunting terrains).
Last decade’s distribution maps,
environment factors and land use change studied by generalized linear model
(GLM) shows by 2030-2050 in Ukraine Region that the dominated pressure against
jackal dispersal is represented by land use change without any effect by the
global climate change, (Prydatko , Kolom itsev 2011), in concordance with
natural resettlement.
We think that neighboring clusters
and population density are also important for the recovering capacity of an
area where jackals decreased their level and for areas where jackal wasn´t
reported before (Banea et al, 2012).
Estonia, case report
On 27
th of March 2013
near Salevere, bioacoustics stimulation was successful. At the third playback
it was listen at least one group of jackals (2-5 ind) N58.70217º, E 023.57977º.
Despite rigorous and systematic survey on grid style 3-4/4km in other 18
calling stations, was not heard any other group of jackals.
Morning fieldwork, Penijoe
The bridge on channel near the Administration building,
a wonderful path suitable to photo-trapping in summer
Reed-bed in Kasari River Delta
First jackal alive photographed in Estonia (28.03.2013, Baltica 2013 Team). Photo Mr Tõnis
Jackal is photographed for the first time in history in a juniperus scrub habitat
58º Latitude, 0-2m below sea level (Baltica 2013 Team)
It seems that territoriality behaviour belongs to the female. Today, this group of jackals
is moving to the eastern part of the bay, where the reed-bed will guest the coming birds.
The boats are waiting us for the next survey and ENA
On 28th in the morning
all employers of Matsalu National Park Reserve participated to a presentation
of a brief conference about jackal spreading in Europe and different survey
campaigns. Later in the same building was calculated the score of the skull of
the jackal harvested on the end of February and an accurate craniometrical
analysis was performed.
Larger nasal bones was seen until
frontal bone, wider communication between temporal and orbicular fossae,
borrowed angle of mandibular, all typical for jackal species. We calculate 25,7
points (Prosthion to Acrocranion 16,8 cm and Biarcade of 8,9cm) and according to CIC(Angelescu 2004), this specimen could be
presented for silver medal conquest.
Silver medal option for 10 months year old female, killed by the hunting dogs.
The covers (trifoi, trevol) is easy seen on the upper incisive, normally in jackal species definitive dentition appears at 4 months and the covers desappear at about 1,5 year old age.
Peep Mannil scoring the external/inner arrows rapport. In younger juveniles should be more than 0,45.
The specimen killed in Estonia had 0,56 meaning that is less than 1 year old.
The age was calculated as being
10 months, in base of presence of clovers on incisive (they are present until
1,5 year age), the rapport of the empty inner and external arrows (more wide than 0,45 typical for
juvenile, at least for C. latrans)
and then we correlate with the chronology of possible birth (April 2012).
Internal organs and perineum were
inspected again and measured. Stomach content weighted the maximum reported in
literature (900g) and the macroscopic analysis showed 49% adipose tissue and
skin, 49% hair and 2% vegetable (hay). We agreed that this is characteristic of
a dropped fur of a wild or domestic animal. Intestine length showed omnivorous
behavior (more length).
Internal and oro-traqueal organs (spline, kidney, tong, heart, lever, traquea with esophagus)
In the evening of the same day
camera trapping showed 5 images of jackal which were analyzed as belonging to
at least 2 specimens. Analyze was done by timing and distance from the camera.
Day fieldwork was also successful
with monitoring of 2 tracks of jackal species in the area of vocalization and
another track on Penijoe. Also droppings were collected in the area and were sending
to analysis in Tartu.
Day fieldwork
Kaja Lotman, Liisi Laos and Peep Männil, part of new
GOJAGE team in Estonia
Typical jackal track
Jackal footprint
Jackal footprint and track, W Estonia, 28.03.2012
Day winter fieldwork in Juniperus scrub habitat
The occurrence of the species in
the River Catchments of Elbe and Rhine shows its continuous process of
expansion; in these zones also the barrier of the major Mountain Chains has
been already crossed (Lapini and Banea, 2013 in press)
Placenta and new born are part of jackal opportunistic food behaviour
11 Black Grouse Tetrao tetrix
Baltica 2013 Team
Sunset before bioacoustic stimulation monitoring
Margarit and Michael, Estonian Television Team, are interested in jackal ecology
The jackal, like foxes, could
also act as a carrier of rabies, or other zoonosis. Rabies mostly affects
members of the dog family, but can also be passed on to humans, livestock and native
(Here, I am sharing my personal thoughts about this wonderful
nature phenomenon: Jackal species arrives to the Baltic Sea. Please take into
consideration that these ideas are not representing any Environmental Board or authorities.)
- Jackal
species is present in Matsalu National Park Reserve. The specimen killed at the
end of February by hunting dogs belongs to a 10 months year old female.
- In
the area of Salevere are present at least 3 more alive individuals, probable 2
of them are a reproductive group looking for a den these days (for Europe the
gestation period normally is related to 15Feb to 15 April).
- The
source of the cluster (probably stable cluster) is unknown, both hypothesis
being now analyzed by Estonian Environmental Board: naturally colonization and
intentionally introduced species.
- My
personal opinion on occurrence of jackals in Estonia is that colonization of Salavere region and Matsalu National
Park Reserve happened naturally, from Northern Coast of the Black Sea and Azov
Sea to Dnieper River Catchment and Daugava River Catchment. Missing natural
barrier as in western parts favor the hypothesis. The unique landscape with the
reed-bed, salt marshland and meadows of Matsalu NP and the amount of migratory birds
in the delta of Kasari River could explain the presence in this area and not in
other closest area from Latvia, Lithuania or Poland. The cumulative positive
results of direct and indirect methods of jackal monitoring in Salevere could
be explained by the presence of Salevere Salumägi (23m) where the jackal could
assure the cubs survival during floods; the hypothesis should be reinforced
with demonstration of another cluster near Kirbla Hill (33m).
- Ecology
of the species is unknown in Matsalu National Park Reserve, but a possible
interaction with Racoon dogs, foxes is possible. Also vertically relation with amphibians,
reptiles and birds, especially waterfowl, could be possible.
- When
hunters organize the hunting for birds, a better counting of dead birds should
be done and the dead individuals harvested in totality.
- Cormorants
increased their number despite hunting campaigns. Jackals could reach these
ecosystems and control at least those which nests on the ground.
- The
incontestable role of scavenger could benefit the area by consumption of dead
carcasses and dead animal biota and when acts as predator jackals are good
regulators of natural selection.
- Internal
organs of game species should benefit by a special attention of the hunters and
authorities and all biological tissues have to be removed from the hunting
- Campaigns
for dis-infestation and anti-rabies vaccines should be organized and released as
for foxes.
- Monitoring
of the species must always precede management measures.
- Human-jackal
conflict started in Estonia and depends on how it is managed from the beginning
the species could survive and give Matsalu National Park Reserve more dynamic
balance. Finally biological diversity means health of an ecosystem.
- Invasive
term must be avoided if we cannot demonstrate predation on protected species with consequent menace to their populations and if we cannot identify jackals as allochtonous species.
1.03.2013, Ovidiu C Banea,
Environmental Ecologist
Cathedral of Saint Mary the Virgin in Tompeea Hill, Tallinn
Kiriku street
Down Town
Old Town
Alexandr Nevsky Church
History and medieval castles are the image of Tallinn
Aida Street
Estonian Natural History Museum
Down Town
City Hall Tower
We do not know how jackal arrived to Estonia, maybe crossing from Dnieper River Catchment to Daugava River Catchment or also brought as pets 3 years ago. The fact is that jackals are now in Matsalu NAtional Reserve Park and this demonstrates that nature is a dynamic balance with unknown variables.
Who knows if the Red Fox we see on this roof it will be good neighbour of a golden jackal puppy.