Sustinerea integrarii speciei de sacal auriu, Canis aureus Linnaeus 1758, (ssp moreoticus) in lista mamiferelor de studiu prioritar in Romania/ RED LIST IUCN (least concern)In Romania specia este de interes comunitar
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Monday, November 1, 2010
Inform REPORT, Orizont 2010
(mas abajo versión en español!!!)
Between the 9th and the 17th of October 2010, the Green Guard Ecological Control Corp of the NGO CRISPUS Sibiu in collaboration with members of the National Huntintg and Aquaculture Service of RNP Romsilva Romania, supported by the National Museum of Natural History Gr Antipa from Bucarest and in agreement with the Administration of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, performed a preliminary study in order to determine the actual levels of the golden jackal populations in natural areas from SouthEastern Romania and from the Danube Delta.
The project was not financed!
The action was very hard, we worked every day between 21-24h and some mornings between 6-7h am.
From the overall of 25 calling stations and 5 observation points, about 10-13 were positive.
The points were spread over different zones, including the Danube Delta.
We also performed visual observations and we could see 3 adults and 7 youngs in total.
As soon as possible we will prepare a file with references points, their results (from none to 7 responses) and habitat characteristics.
The project was not financed!
The action was very hard, we worked every day between 21-24h and some mornings between 6-7h am.
From the overall of 25 calling stations and 5 observation points, about 10-13 were positive.
The points were spread over different zones, including the Danube Delta.
We also performed visual observations and we could see 3 adults and 7 youngs in total.
As soon as possible we will prepare a file with references points, their results (from none to 7 responses) and habitat characteristics.
The support received in Southern Romania was very good, the National Service of Hunting and Aquaculture helped us with transportation, food and places to stay over the night. In the Danube Delta we used the boat already known. We informed every day the Administration of The Biosphere Reserve about our localization, but unfortunately we didn´t have so much support as we had in the Calarasi and Giurgiu counties. The amount for research is very poor.
We did an explicative fotoreport on the blogsite.
The map of the points we will try to make is with shapes in GIS with UTM converse units from the grade refference we added.
Dr Biol Murariu from the National Museum of Natural History "Grigore Antipa" from Bucharest assured us of his collaboration as biologist and refferent for the golden jackal studies in Romania.
Dr Biol Murariu from the National Museum of Natural History "Grigore Antipa" from Bucharest assured us of his collaboration as biologist and refferent for the golden jackal studies in Romania.
The National Museum of Natural History in Romania together with the National Service of Hunting and Aquaculture (Ing. Petre Gargarea) will be the most important partners of the project.
In Romania, 1061 jackals were killed in 2008; we have a lot of data received from the Romanian Hunting and Aquaculture Service. The RHAS is very interested in our job and they assured us of their full collaboration!!! With the information we have we could perform a correlative analysis.
There is one Romanian publication from 2004 (Angelescu, A.)(the only one with this characteristic) written by a forestry engineer which talks about the anatomy, morphology and ethology of the jackal. The book is based on a study of a number of more than 65 jackals from the counties Tulcea and Constanta.
Our intention is to start a three year project for the establishing of the structure and dynamic of the golden jackal populations in the areas of South Eastern Romania and the Danube Delta: to see the ecology of the jackal populations and to value the intersystemic relations of jackals (and eventually the interaction between them and humans where this occure).
The preliminatory study we have already performed confirms the validity of the used monitorization technique and proves the innovative character and the importance of this study for this mammal.
The performance of a conservation action plan or the regulation of the golden jackal populations level for the biodiversity interest are very hard to achieve, but we have already started!
We used the same CD, radio player used in July 2010 in the pilot action in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve with low watts power, we think that we will use it for only 700 m range of cover!!! in the analitics. MP3 registered howls from Miha Krofel (Slovenia) and Laszlo Szabo (Hungary), also we tried again with baked black jackal howl.
The entire team was happy that the technique used by Giannatos, Krofel, Szabo could be proved.
We used the same CD, radio player used in July 2010 in the pilot action in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve with low watts power, we think that we will use it for only 700 m range of cover!!! in the analitics. MP3 registered howls from Miha Krofel (Slovenia) and Laszlo Szabo (Hungary), also we tried again with baked black jackal howl.
The entire team was happy that the technique used by Giannatos, Krofel, Szabo could be proved.
photographs and story (romanian version)
ESPAÑOL (traducción automatica, calidad minima):
Entre el 9 y el 17 de octubre de 2010, el Cuerpo de Control Ecologico Garda Verde de la ONG CRISPUS Sibiu en colaboración con miembros del Servicio Nacional de Caza y Aquacultura RNP Romsilva Rumania, apoyado por el Museo Nacional de Historia Natural Gr. Antipa de Bucarest y de acuerdo con la Administración de la Reserva de la Biosfera Delta del Danubio, realizó un estudio preliminar para determinar los niveles reales de las poblaciones de chacal dorado en áreas naturales del sureste de Rumanía y del delta del Danubio.
El proyecto no fue financiado!
El esfuerzo fue muy duro, hemos trabajado todos los días entre 21-24h y algunas mañanas entre las 6-7h. Del total de 25 estaciones de llamada y 5 puntos de observación, en unas 10 a 13 se encontrarón resultados positivos. Los puntos se repartieron entre las diferentes zonas, incluyendo el delta del Danubio.
También se realizaron observaciones visuales y pudimos ver tres adultos y siete crías en total. Tan pronto como sea posible vamos a preparar un archivo con puntos de referencia, las características del hábitat de sus resultados (de cero a 7 respuestas).
El apoyo recibido en el sur de Rumania fue muy bueno, el Servicio Nacional de Caza y Acuicultura nos ayudó con el transporte, la alimentación y el alojamiento.
En el delta del Danubio, se utilizó el barco ya conocido. Hemos comunicado todos los días con la Administración de la Reserva de la Biosfera sobre nuestra localización, pero lamentablemente no hemos tenido tanto apoyo como lo había en los condados Calarasi y Giurgiu. El importe para la investigación es muy pobre.
Para construir el mapa de los puntos utilizaremos GIS con unidades UTM convertidas desde los datos geograficos que tenemos.
Dr Biol Murariu, director general Museo Nacional de Historia Natural de Rumanía "Grigore Antipa" nos aseguró de su colaboración como biólogo. Es especialista de referencia para los estudios del chacal dorado en Rumania.
El Museo Nacional de Historia Natural de Rumanía, junto con el Servicio Nacional de la Caza y de Acuicultura (Ing. Gargarea) serán los socios más importantes del proyecto.
En Rumania, 1061 chacales fueron colectados en 2008, tenemos una gran cantidad de datos recibidos del servicio rumano de caza y Acuicultura. El SCAR está muy interesado en nuestro trabajo y nos aseguraron de su plena colaboración! Con la información que tenemos podemos realizar un análisis correlativo. Existe una publicación en Rumania realizada en el año 2004 (Angelescu, A.) (la única con esta característica), escrito por un ingeniero forestal, que habla de la anatomía, morfología y etología del chacal. El libro se basa en un estudio de una población de más de 65 chacales analizados en los condados de Tulcea y Constanza.
Nuestra intención es comenzar un proyecto de tres años con el fin de establecer la estructura y dinámica de las poblaciones del chacal dorado en áreas del sudeste de Rumanía y del delta del Danubio: para ver la ecología de las poblaciones del chacal y el valor de las relaciones intersistémicas de chacales (y, eventualmente, la interacción entre ellos y los seres humanos cuando occure). El estudio realizado confirma la validez de la técnica utilizada y demuestra el carácter innovador y su importancia.
La ejecución de un plan de acción para la conservación o la regulación del nivel de las poblaciones chacal dorado para el interés de la biodiversidad son muy difíciles de lograr, hemos empezado ya!
Se utilizó el mismo CD, reproductor de radio utilizadas en julio de 2010 en la acción piloto en el Delta del Danubio, vamos a utilizar para el rango de 700 m de longitud como raiz! en las analíticas de MP3 aullidos registrados de Miha Krofel (Eslovenia) y Laszlo Szabo (Hungría), también lo intentamos de nuevo con aullido de chacal con espalda negra, backed black jackal.
fotografías y el report (versión rumana) en
Monday, September 20, 2010
ORIZONT 2010, second action of monitoring for the golden jackal specia in areas from SouthEastern Romania and from the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve

Green Guard, Ecological Control Corp of NGO Crispus Sibiu
Institute for Wildlife Conservation, Hungary
Biotehnical Faculty of the Ljubljana University Slovenia
Romanian National Museum of Natural History "Gr. Antipa" Bucharest
Forest Divisions from South Eastern Romania, National Hunting and Aquaculture Service of RNP ROMSILVA
Administration of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve
Date: 9th to 15th of October 2010
Date: 9th to 15th of October 2010
Place: counties of Giurgiu, Calarasi, Constanta and Tulcea
1) technical session with the hunting areas rangers
2) acoustic monitoring and spotlight for the golden jackal specia in areas from Giurgiu and Calarasi counties following the indications of the local rangers
3) check opinion and improve the image of the jackals in Casimcea area, Gura Dobrogei
4) speology at "Liliecilor" Cave, observations of the Myotis mistacinus sp (mustache bat, liliacul cu mustati, liliacul cu barba)
5) acoustic monitoring of the golden jackal in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve
For further information please contact
For further information please contact
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Determination of the actual levels of the golden jackal populations in areas from the Danube Delta and Southern Romania
Second action
Place : The action will start in Gaujani and Vedea villages from the county of Giurgiu then we will do monitoring in Calarasi county and the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve
Date: October 9th to 17th, 2010
For this stage of our index plan we did a Partnership with the Hunting and Aquaculture National Service from the Forests Company RNP ROMSILVA for the action in both southern counties of Romania, Giurgiu and Calarasi
Place : The action will start in Gaujani and Vedea villages from the county of Giurgiu then we will do monitoring in Calarasi county and the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve
Date: October 9th to 17th, 2010
For this stage of our index plan we did a Partnership with the Hunting and Aquaculture National Service from the Forests Company RNP ROMSILVA for the action in both southern counties of Romania, Giurgiu and Calarasi
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
VIDEO Canis aureus, monitoring in the Danube Delta, pilot action
calitate proasta, dar e relevant; cine doreste filmul pe DVD cu calitate AVI (maxima) sa ne contacteze
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Sacalul, Canis aureus L., in Delta Dunarii Romania
Buna ziua tuturor!
anunt cu bucurie ultimele detalii ale actiunii "Delta Ranger 2010"
Dupa cum am informat si cu alta ocazie, Corpul de Control Ecologic Garda Verde al ONG Crispus Sibiu, deruleaza diferite actiuni de cercetare, ecocercetare si ecoturism in anumite zone de interes natural precum si in arii protejate.
anunt cu bucurie ultimele detalii ale actiunii "Delta Ranger 2010"
Dupa cum am informat si cu alta ocazie, Corpul de Control Ecologic Garda Verde al ONG Crispus Sibiu, deruleaza diferite actiuni de cercetare, ecocercetare si ecoturism in anumite zone de interes natural precum si in arii protejate.
La mijlocul lunii iulie 2010, vom actiona in zonele inundabile din Delta Dunarii pentru monitoring acustic si spotlight la specia de sacal auriu, un mamifer de aparitie noua in Romania, cu o deosebita importanta pentru ecosistemele si lanturile trofice din care face parte. Din pacate, autoritatile si administratiile locale nu au dat importanta cuvenita fenomenului, iar populatia nu accepta inca rolul natural al acestui animal, ba mai mult se observa o repulsie generala ce duce uneori la actiuni impotriva sacalului auriu. Am observat includerea lui in lista animalelor de fond cinegetic al unor organizatii de vanatoare, apreciindu-se un "concurs" de vanatoare descontrolata; Am gasit un comentariu in care un vanator ar fi impuscat 23 de sacali doar intr-un singur an, e vanator insa ceva adevar o fi, daca nu 23 poate 3.
In timp ce in Spania s-au studiat ultimele 2 familii de sacal auriu in Comunitatea Melilla din nordul Africii in urma cu cativa ani, iar in Grecia (Giannotos at colab.2004) cunoscuta World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF) apreciase declinul populatiei de sacal auriu in anul 2004, stabilind un plan de protectie si conservare a speciei, se observa aparitia acestui animal in zone impadurite si umede ce ajung pana in Slovenia (Miha Krofel, 2009) in Ungaria, Austria dar si in Romania.
Scopul nostru este de a demonstra existenta sacalului auriu in Delta Dunarii, pentru a putea extinde studiul populatiilor in toata tara. In urmatoarele etape vom atrage in proiectul nostru Institutul de Biologie al Academiei Romane, Societatea de Ecologie din Romania, Administratia Rezervatiei Biosferei Delta Dunarii, precum si organismele silvice sau alte organizatii de protectie a biodiversitatii. Consideram obligatoriu, studiul preliminar si monitoringul atent al populatiilor de sacal auriu Canis aureus din Romania, inaintea oricaror actiuni de evaluare a impactului sau de inlaturare necontrolata a acestui pretios animal.
In actiunea noastra utilizam aceeasi tehnica de monitoring acustic si spotlight, imprumutata de la colegii din Slovenia, tehnica folosita si in proiectul-plan de protectie a sacalului auriu in Grecia, (Giannotos at colab, 2004).
Pentru Delta Ranger 2010, avem sprijinul Muzeului NAtional de Istorie Naturala "Gr. Antipa" din Bucuresti, al colegilor din Slovenia, o colaborare cu un fotoreporter al revistei National Geografic si trustului de presa Mediafax si interesul manifest al unui membru din Administratia Rezervatiei Biosferei Delta Dunarii, fotograf si pasionat al deltei.
In timp ce in Spania s-au studiat ultimele 2 familii de sacal auriu in Comunitatea Melilla din nordul Africii in urma cu cativa ani, iar in Grecia (Giannotos at colab.2004) cunoscuta World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF) apreciase declinul populatiei de sacal auriu in anul 2004, stabilind un plan de protectie si conservare a speciei, se observa aparitia acestui animal in zone impadurite si umede ce ajung pana in Slovenia (Miha Krofel, 2009) in Ungaria, Austria dar si in Romania.
Scopul nostru este de a demonstra existenta sacalului auriu in Delta Dunarii, pentru a putea extinde studiul populatiilor in toata tara. In urmatoarele etape vom atrage in proiectul nostru Institutul de Biologie al Academiei Romane, Societatea de Ecologie din Romania, Administratia Rezervatiei Biosferei Delta Dunarii, precum si organismele silvice sau alte organizatii de protectie a biodiversitatii. Consideram obligatoriu, studiul preliminar si monitoringul atent al populatiilor de sacal auriu Canis aureus din Romania, inaintea oricaror actiuni de evaluare a impactului sau de inlaturare necontrolata a acestui pretios animal.
In actiunea noastra utilizam aceeasi tehnica de monitoring acustic si spotlight, imprumutata de la colegii din Slovenia, tehnica folosita si in proiectul-plan de protectie a sacalului auriu in Grecia, (Giannotos at colab, 2004).
Pentru Delta Ranger 2010, avem sprijinul Muzeului NAtional de Istorie Naturala "Gr. Antipa" din Bucuresti, al colegilor din Slovenia, o colaborare cu un fotoreporter al revistei National Geografic si trustului de presa Mediafax si interesul manifest al unui membru din Administratia Rezervatiei Biosferei Delta Dunarii, fotograf si pasionat al deltei.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Golden jackal howls for survey area

Actiunea de monitoring acustic a sacalului auriu va incepe in data de 13 iulie 2010 in 5-6 statii de chemare din zona de grinduri ale deltei, puncte bine stabilite cu sistemul de geopozitionare prin satelit. Aceste statii vor fi utilizate in urmatorii ani pentru a urmari evolutia pupulatiei de sacal in ecositemul deltaic amintit. Tehnica de monitoring este cea utilizata de Dl Giannotos at colab. in Grecia (WWF 2004) si de catre Dl Miha Krofel (Universitatea din Lubliana) in Slovenia in 2009.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Golden Jackal in the Danube Delta, Romania
Recent phenomenon, with deep implications on the environment, the appearance of the golden jackal species in the Danube Delta represent recently, the object of discussion and debate on the tables and bars of Hahols or Lipovan Russians, but also on the modern internet forums.
Of ignorance and lack of interest from the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Administration, and the antipathy generally manifested by the citizens and residents buffer, a campaign goes negative, maybe unintentionally against the golden jackal Canis aureus, leading to where hunters have free licence from some local mayors to shoot this mammal. While studying the last families of jackals was hardly in Spain, in Melilla Region, in Northern Africa due to the isolation of the population from the rest of the African continent through the border fence, and in Greece, in 2004, the World Wildlife Foundation (WWF) observed disturbing demographic decline of golden jackal species, Romania was still not addressed the phenomenon.
Draw attention environmental organizations and local government to change its attitude regarding the sustainable management of the specific golden jackal ecosystems and to consider the priority activities of studying and preparing the legal framework to protect the golden jackal species or control its level in interest of the biodiversity where is needed.
It is well known positive role in the wetland and lowland ecosystems. Golden Jackal species is third order consumer and an important arrow from the higher web food. WWF conservation action plan in Greece, in 2004, shows that recently relations have been established to study and monitorize the golden jackal species between with Hungary and Serbia and that the country intensified cooperation with Bulgaria and Turkey. In Romania, we believe that a new perspective for this phenomenon has to be assumed by local and national government, but also the achievement of specific actions and projects of research and monitoring directed by environmental organizations and companies or ECOSILVA biology NGOs. To this end, GREEN GUARD Environmental Control Corp of Crispus NGO SIBIU, has developed in the Danube Delta, since 2003, actions for identification of existing problems, public opinion polling, the last three expeditions setting clearly the areas for further studies. Forwarding these earlier preparatives the organization identified modern techniques of acoustic monitoring and spotlight for the population survaillance. This was done to establish priorities and targets for a possible larger project that aims to involve local authorities, local council Crisan, CA Rosetti Caraorman, Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Administration, as well DDBRA, Natural Science Museum in Tulcea, and the National Forest Department of Romania.
Friday, June 11, 2010

Proposed route
Crisan, Letea, Caraorman, Erenciuc, canal 5
physical condition and aerobic effort tolerance
accommodation and food conditions in makeshift camp under way
Individual equipment: mountain boots, waterproof trousers, insect repellent, plastic bags
Day 1, 12.06.2010 meeting at 17.20H OTOPENI / in the airport arrivals area Henri Coanda TULCEA 22:00H board now and into the Danube Delta, sleep in the ambarcación, walking toward the center of operations and Mila23 Crisan
Day 2,3,4 13,14,15 of july: trekking and wildlife acoustic active monitoring, evening and night especially the golden jackal Canis aureus, we will try to monitorize by spotlight the area and contact with local rangers.
Outdoor camp Periprava, kayaking and birdwatching, Lake and channel Merhei Sulimanca, reservation Thread Buhaiova of Pelecanus crispus, if water levels permitting, we will attempt to reach Lake Argintiu.
Day 5 July 16 back to the port of Tulcea, departure to Transylvania
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Friday, April 30, 2010
Sacalul din Delta Dunarii
Golden Jackal around
Fenomen recent, cu implicatii profunde asupra mediului inconjurator, aparitia sacalului auriu in Delta Dunarii este in ultimul timp obiect de discutie si de dezbateri la mesele din barurile lipovenilor si haholilor dar si pe forurile moderne de pe internet.
Din necunoastere si lipsa de interes din partea Administratiei Rezervatiei Biosferei Delta Dunarii, cat si din antipatia manifestata in general de catre cetatenii si locuitorii zonelor tampon, se duce o campanie negativa, poate involuntara, impotriva sacalului auriu Canis aureus, ajungandu-se pana acolo unde vanatorii sa aiba aviz liber din partea unor primarii locale de a impusca acest animal.
In timp ce in Spania se studiaza cu greu ultimele familii de sacal auriu din comunitatea autonoma Melilla din nordul Africii din pricina izolarii lor de restul continentului african prin gardul de frontiera, iar in Grecia, in anul 2004, World Wildlife Foundation (WWF) apreciasera declinul demografic ingrijorator al speciei, la noi in Romania se lasa inca neabordat fenomenul.
Atragem atentia organismelor de mediu cat si administratiilor locale de a-si schimba atitudinea in fata acestui fapt si de a considera in activitatile prioritare studierea si pregatirea cadrului legal de protejare a sacalului auriu. E bine cunoscut rolul pozitiv in ecosistemul inundabil, sacalul auriu fiind o veriga superioara importanta a lantului trofic.
Dupa cum reiese din planul de actiune WWF in Grecia, in anul 2004, s-au stabilit relatii bilaterale de studiere si de monitorizare a sacalului auriu cu Ungaria si cu Serbia, s-au restabilit contactele vechi cu Bulgaria si s-a reintensificat colaborarea cu Turcia.
In Romania, consideram ca adoptarea unei politici de promovare a cunoasterii speciei de catre populatie prin implicarea administratiilor locale este foarte necesara, dar si realizarea de actiuni si proiecte specifice de cercetare si monitoring realizate de catre organismele de mediu si societatile de biologie sau ecosilvice.
In acest scop Corpul de Control Ecologic Garda Verde a desfasurat in Delta Dunarii, inca din anul 2003, actiuni de identificare in teritoriu a problemelor existente, de sondare a opiniei publice, ultimele 3 expeditii stabilind zone bine delimitate pentru actiunile viitoare.
In urmatoarele expeditii se va intentiona identificarea de indivizi prin tehnici speciale de monitoring acustic si spotlight, pentru prestabilire de prioritati si de obiective pentru un posibil proiect mai amplu in care se doreste implicarea autoritatilor locale, a primariilor din localitatile Crisan, C.A. Rosetti, Caraorman, Administratiei Rezervatiei Biosferei Delta Dunarii, ARBDD cat si a Muzeului de Stiinte Naturale din Tulcea, dar si a Regiei Autonome a Padurilor din Romania prin Ocolul Silvic teritorial.
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